We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website which integrates our learning platform, information website, purchase links and The Profit Room (our free student learning community) within a single site. Hit the button below to visit our new website. Hope to see you there soon (and in the next few seconds hopefully!).
BST is a very narrative-focused paper with an absolutely vast Workbook so even though the content is fairly interesting, many students find it a little dry and tedious to revise for, if we are honest. ("Honesty and integrity", and all.)
It is also important to put a little time (both before and during the exam) into the calculations, but without getting bogged down as, surprisingly, there aren't actually all that many marks for numbers work.
As with all the narrative-focused ACA papers, it is vital that you use resources that force you to engage actively with the content: simply reading and note-taking is very unlikely to get the content into your brain!
For BST, we offer our Rapid Revision Question Bank book which offers hundreds of short-form questions to help you learn the relatively dry and narrative-heavy syllabus through a self-test format. Actively testing your knowledge through questions is always the best way to deal with the volume of narrative content in this kind of paper.
We can also offer our Technique Improvement Service to review your Mock practice attempts to unlock further valuable marks through improvements in writing style, interpretation of the question and other factors.
Scroll down the page to learn more about our BST offering.
Our Rapid Revision Question Banks provide hundreds of short-form questions to help you learn in a 100% active way, maximising the use of your scarce study time.
Contains over 700 short-form questions to promote active learning.
The 2024 edition of our RRQB is the twelfth edition of the book so you will benefit from a wide range of question types which we have developed over the years.
Often, students do not achieve their full potential in an ACA paper because they have not been told how to write, how to manage their time and how the marking works.
Our Technique Improvement Service (TIS) provides detailed, personalised reviews of your attempts at ICAEW Mocks or past papers.
You will receive advice on how to shorten or lengthen your writing style to ensure that you are picking up the marks you deserve.
You will receive advice on whether you are allocating your scarce answering time correctly through our expert knowledge of the markscheme and how marks are awarded in practice.
To really drive home our advice, we will provide you with a 2-3 page Technique Advice Report on each paper submitted. This includes our popular "5 Top Tips to Improve".