We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website which integrates our learning platform, information website, purchase links and The Profit Room (our free student learning community) within a single site. Hit the button below to visit our new website. Hope to see you there soon (and in the next few seconds hopefully!).
As a busy student, you don't have time to waste on irrelevant forms of exam preparation, such as learning past paper sets of Advance Information which cannot be tested in your own exam.
So our unique Case Study On-demand course focuses on the live July 2024 Advance Information, using our original set of Mocks and other sitting-specific supporting materials.
In our view, this is a much better use of your time than sitting irrelevant past papers on old, out-of-date past paper businesses which 100% cannot be tested in your real exam!
So, in our Live Online Course, we'll pass on everything you need to know about the past papers in our Technique Workshop on the first day of the course.
After that, everything we work on together will be based on the live July 2024 Case Study business. Nothing else.
Because exam technique and writing style is everything in Case Study, as part of the course, you will receive very detailed tutor feedback on your weak points in the 2-3 page Technique Reports that we provide on each of the 4 Mocks that you will attempt as part of the course.
Working on a word-by-word and line-by-line basis, we will provide you with far more personalised feedback than you would receive at other training providers. This is vital to help you avoid dropping easy marks.
Our course therefore provides the perfect combination of sitting-specific relevant content and personalised advice to help you with this unusual exam.
Please scroll down the page to learn more about our Case Study On-demand Course, including a selection of our 2,063 positive feedback comments on the course and 2 detailed video testimonials from recent students.
Further details on our course schedule and dates can be found at the bottom of this page, together with instructions on how to apply for the course.
Ioli studied Case Study with us and qualified in 2021. Congratulations Ioli! To view the full-length testimonial from Ioli, please click here.
Anton studied Case Study with us and qualified in 2020. Congratulations Anton! To view the full-length testimonial from Anton, please click here.
Case Study has a unique and potentially very harsh marking approach in which only certain points will be treated as acceptable by the examiners. It is therefore vital that you understand what those points are likely to be so that under time pressure, you make those points and only those points, as quickly and succinctly as possible.
So right at the start of our On-demand course, we will provide a half day of technical training on how the markscheme works and what types of point you should be looking to make. This will ensure that you always stay on track and never waste any time, whether before or during the exam.
In the second session of the course, we will provide a detailed 4-hour, page-by-page review of the Advance Information, in which our experienced tutor will make it clear how each fact and nuance could be tested in the real exam.
So, after the first 2 sessions of the course, you will be an expert in both exam technique and the live set of Advance Information.
The next step is to put this into practice, by completing 4 of the Mocks from our live Mock Exam Pack.
Training is one thing, implementation is another, so this is why we insist that you take the time to complete 4 full Mocks for review by us.
Our expert reviewers will then work through all 4 of your Mocks on a line-by-line, word-by-word basis, looking for every single way in which we can help you improve. We will advise on time management, writing style, interpretation of the question wording, efficiency in use of the ICAEW computer-based assessment software and basically anything else that will help you pass!
Sound good? We think so, and it works, as the stats below demonstrate.
We have now helped over 2,000 students pass the Case Study exam using our combination of technical training and detailed, personalised feedback. Please see the bottom of the page for a selection of feedback comments from recent course students.
We achieved a 100% pass rate for our online course at the November 2023 sitting.
This outpaces the recent ICAEW average of around 80%.
Our students achieved a 100% pass rate at the November 2021 sitting and a 98% pass rate at the July 2021 sitting. Our pass rate was 96% at the July 2022 sitting and 97% at the November 2022 sitting. At the July 2023 sitting, we achieved a 98% pass rate and at the November 2023 sitting, we had a 100% pass rate.
We have never achieved a pass rate below 95% at any sitting since launching our tuition service in 2013 and we are immensely proud of this track record.
Our pass rate has regularly exceeded the ICAEW average by 20 percentage points and has been 100% at several recent sittings.
Most students who take our tuition course end up scoring 70 or more, meaning they are very well clear of the pass mark (50).
We understand this question but please bear in mind that Case Study is fundamentally unlike the other ACA papers as there is no technical content to learn ... it is purely a matter of exam technique.
In any case, the first sessions of the course (which cover general Case Study exam technique) are made available well in the advance of the release ofthe Advance Information.
It would obviously be suicidal to do the bulk of a CR or BPT course 6 or 7 weeks before exam day, but this doesn't really apply to Case Study.
We know that many other tuition providers start earlier, but that is because they allocate a lot of course time to sitting past papers. We don't think this is necessary so we prefer to start later, so that most of the course can be based on the live set of Advance Information as this makes much better use of the your time.
We guess we could run the course earlier, but we feel we would then simply be "filling in the time" before the main event which is the release of the live Advance Information that forms the basis of your exam. Rather than diving in and starting early in an unproductive way, we prefer to wait so that all your preparation time is useful.
Yes, over the years, a number of our students have won Case Study prizes.
Our student Kieran D won the ICAEW global prize at the July 2014 sitting with a score of 92% after taking our tuition course.
David W failed the examination on his first attempt with another tuition provider but won an ICAEW regional prize in his retake after taking our tuition course.
Laura G failed the examination twice with other tuition providers but won an ICAEW regional prize after retaking with us.
Jordan R used our Technique Improvement Service (TIS) and placed first in his year group at a Big 4 firm, winning an ICAEW regional prize.
A number of our students have placed first in their year group at the Big 4, generally with scores of 85 or higher.
While it is of course nice to win prizes, in honesty, we think it is more important to get every student through, so we are much more concerned with our overall pass rate, which has regularly exceeded the ICAEW average by 20 percentage points and has been 100% at several recent sittings. Most students who take our tuition course end up scoring 70 or more, meaning they are very well clear of the pass mark (50).
We have never achieved a pass rate below 95% at any sitting and we are immensely proud of this track record.
Our Mock reviewers take great personal pride in providing personalised advice because we have all had far too much experience of generic and bland advice when studying with other tuition providers. And we know how proper, personalised advice can unlock every student's potential.
As part of our Live Online Course, you will receive detailed Technique Advice Reports on 4 Mocks from our live Mock Exam Pack. This will amount to over a hundred pieces of personalised advice, so you really should be fine in the exam, as our Pass Guarantee suggests.
We aim to give all students on our one-to-one feedback course the full "Royal Treatment" so as well as taking part in our tuition sessions and receiving feedback on your Mocks, you will receive access to all video and PDF content that we produce at a particular sitting.
We have no idea why many other tuition providers allocate so much course and homework time to sitting past paper Case Study exams. Okay, so we admit that such practice may be of some benefit ... but surely the maximum benefit comes from concentrating solely on the live Case Study business? This means you only need to learn one set of Advance Information to do all 5 of our practice attempts. It also means that we can help you prepare for exam-day scenarios (not possible in relation to past papers unless you have a time machine!). So there will be no wasted study time.
Because of the time-intensive nature of providing our detailed personalised feedback on your Mocks, our online course is a little different to many on-demand courses as we have a strict limit on the number of students who can join the course. This ensures that our tutor team has enough time to review each script in detail. So please enquire soon to avoid disappointment!